Want to know how to grow your business? This is a question most business owners ask. There are handfuls of strategies, guides, and tips to grow your business. But, the next question is where should you grow your business? See how Sustainable Living Builders got their start at coLAB and continued to grow within a quick 4 years.

Meet Sustainable Living Builders
At our core, we exist to simplify and expedite the process of residential and commercial improvement, from shopping to build. We provide a one-stop-shop for roofing, gutter, and solar services all under one roof. We only procure and utilize top-quality materials and implement sustainable building practices to create a better and more sustainable future.
Where did they grow their business?
Sustainable Living Builders started at coLAB in 2019 when co-founders Jaime and Juan Delgado rented a desk. coLAB was a perfect way in the door, as we didn’t know what SLB was going to need, and it was an inexpensive way to start having a workspace we could operate from. SLB began receiving inquiries within three months, and the need arose for more private space and a phone line. We spoke with Jessie, the Community Manager at coLAB, and received a good deal to move into a two-person office.
We had the office for about a year, but we quickly outgrew it. At that point, coLAB had a larger space available and we moved into the office/warehouse sapce directly behind coLAB. It was here where we hired our first office employee and started to grow our operations team and construction crew. We’ve been in that office/warehouse for three years, but we once again outgrew the space. Sustainable Living Builders now has 19 full-time employees: owners, two project managers, an operations manager, sales representatives, an office manager, construction crews, and two virtual assistants in the Philippines. Additionally, we are Tesla Certified Installers and also collaborate with several subcontractors.
SLB’s Future
coLAB has been good to us, and they have been a critical partner in getting SLB to where it is today. As SLB kept growing and having different needs, they were open and supportive of providing us help to get to the next level. We are happy we rented from coLAB; besides being accommodating, the environment is excellent from the common areas, the conference rooms, and the perks of the community they offer. We’ve met many wonderful and exciting members there, like Robbe McAlexander, now our accountant, or Michelle Ramirez, who provides CPR/First Aid training in Spanish for our construction crew.
coLAB has been instrumental in our growth because it provided the space for us to keep growing. SLB is now moving to our new offices and warehouse space at 4255 Santa Rosa, Ave. We will greatly miss our days at coLAB, especially the member’s breakfast or the Qi Gong classes. SLB invites the community to meet the team, see the new space, and enjoy some tacos and drinks during the grand opening ceremony on August 9th at 4:00 p.m. Please join us for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at 5:00 p.m.
Grow Your Business at coLAB
Want to learn more about our flexible workspace for your business? Visit our website to read more or schedule a tour.