
Organized desk at coLAB.

A survey by OfficeMax revealed that 90% of Americans believe that clutter has a negative impact on their lives and work, and 77% believe that clutter actually hinders their efficiency. Read on to find helpful tips and tricks to increase productivity.

Organization Saves You Time

Put the things you use the most near your dominant hand for easy access. When everything has a dedicated organized space, you will not keep searching for that one document from three years ago. An organized space not only saves you time, but also provides productivity.

Less Clutter Reduces Stress

Clutter affects anxiety levels, sleep, and even ability to focus according to RACGP. Clutter ultimately leads to less productivity and more stress. When you have stress about an upcoming work project, wouldn’t you want to be in an environment that supports you?

Communicates Professionalism

Your workspace is a visual representation of your work ethic, skills, and outlook. First impressions are universally important. Your desk at work can be a key factor into someone’s first impression of you.

Balance Personal Items

Organizational Psychologists say that personal items are distractions, and they make the eye and the brain work harder. That being said, everyone is different. You should find the right balance for you between a minimalistic and cluttered workspace. After all, you want to feel comfortable in your workspace to be the most productive.

coLAB’s Role

coLAB encourages members to keep their space clean, organized, and decluttered. As a part of our office environment, we maintain a clean workspace etiquette. We want our members to be healthy, stress-free, and organized. We provide members with tools they might need for success in an organized workspace. Looking to tour coLAB or want a free trial day? Visit http://bit.ly/tourcolab to schedule.